Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Universal Hijri Calendar - Proposal & E-Book with evidences from Noble Qur'an & authentic hadees

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Chief Editor Hijri Committee <editor@mooncalendar.in>

Date: Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 11:19 PM

Subject: Universal Hijri Calendar - Proposal & E-Book with evidences from Noble Qur'an & authentic hadees

To: xxxxxx​


Dear & Respected Brothers in Islaam,

Assalaamu alaikkum ​ wa Rahmathullaahi wa Barakaathu hu​

Jazhaak Allaahu Khairan for the efforts taken by all to bring the whole Ummah under one Global Hijri Calendar. May Almighty Allaah reward immensely all who work to propagate, promote and implement Allaah's Single Calendar which is in His Kitaab from the day of creation (Verse 9:36)

We, HIJRI COMMITTEE OF INDIA (HCI ) would like to introduce ourselves as a team consisting of Islamic Scholars, Astronomers, Research Scientists and Like minded persons who are much worried and disturbed on Muslim Ummah celebrating Eid and starting Ramdaan fasting on 3 or 4 days of the week. We have been doing research for the last 45 years on Global Hijri Calendar and have derived one such Calendar, from the teachings of Noble Qur'aan, authentic hadeeths and tallying with the Astronomical data.

​ ALHUMDULILLAAH ! We have been publishing such a Calendar for the last 16 years with dates exactly tallying with moon-phases, as directed by Noble Qur'an 2:189.​

We have designed the calendar with daily moon-phases which distinctly shows its uniqueness and arises curiosity of the people paving way and giving us an opportunity to explain the neccesity of a Pre-determined Global Hijri Calendar.. We have attached as soft-copy the Global Hijri Calendar for 1436 & 1437 for your ready reference.

Hijri Committee of India has derived the following criteria based on Noble Qur'aan and authentic hadeeths:

" Consider the Universal Day, in which Conjunction takes place, as the last day of a Hijri month and the new month to start from Fajr of the following Universal Day, irrespective of the time of Conjunction and/or Sunset-Moonset timing at Makkah or else where.
With this concept, we can have an error-free calender which can be calibrated forwards as well as backwards for thousands of years and can be used by all in an easy manner.

As you are aware, Imam Ibn Kathir (Rah) while explaining verse 71:16 says that the day on which the moon gets veiled/fully shadowed shows the passing of the month or in other words, the day moon gets veiled/shadowed is the last day of the month.

Please note that we ​ DO NOT start the new month from the conjunction day. But, consider it as the last day of the month. Since the timing of Conjunction varies at each month and we start the new month only from Fajr of the following day, the month's duration gets fixed at 29 days or 30 days, as taught by the Prophet (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam). In fact these fluctuations in the timimngs of the Conjunction miraculously rectify the errors and ensure an error-free calendar.

Verses 36:40 & 2:238 as well as the authentic hadeeths about Witr and the starting & ending of I'thikaaf of the Prophet (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) also teach us, without any ambiguity, that the 24-hour period in Islam starts at Fajr and not at Magrib.

We would also like to inform you that "knowledge through observation" is the right meaning to be given to " Ru'yiah ". This translation goes hand-in-glove with the teachings of Noble Qur'aan and authentic hadeeths. If it is translated as "sight by naked eye" or "possible sight of hilaal at Magrib" , it will lead to multiple calendars and thus pollute the essence of Islam and Brotherhood of Muslim Ummah.

We are aware that the concept which we have dereived from Noble Qur'aan and authentic hadeeths does not go according to the belief and traditions of the majority of Muslim Ummah. But, you too will agree that majority has never been the yardstick to guage Truth in Islam. What it matters is the compliance of Sharia.

We are sure that our concept is in compliance with Sharia. In this mail, we have provided only the gist or just the essence of the concept followed by Hjri Committee. Hence, we are attaching herewith an E-Book, a very exhaustive and comprehensive reference Guide giving evidences from Noble Qur'aan and authentic hadeeths in support to our calendar concept and also providing evidences from Prime sources to prove that ideas and concept of those who insist on seeing the setting hilaal on the Western sky, in order to start the new month, are wrong and not in compliance with Sharia.

We have included in the attached zip file the following:

1) Proposal for a Universal Islamic Hijri Calendar

2) E-Book on the Calendar concept derived from Noble Qur'aan, authentic hadees and Astronomical Data
(Please click on each topic in "Table of Contents" so that the required page will open up for your perusal)​

3) Soft Copy of Hijri Calendar for 1436 H ​ (Past year)​

4) Soft Copy of Hijri Calendar 1437 H (Present year)​​ ​

5) Web link for downloading 200 years (1300H to 1500H) Hijri Calendar​

6) Weblink to download 3100 years Hijri Calendar & Converter developed by our member,Sheik Abdul Lateef Uthman Umari (Islamic Scholar & Software Engineer)

7) Copy of Original Ummul Qurrah followed by Saudi Arabia till 1420 H.

​We are sending t​hese soliciting ​for you​r valuable & scholarly comments on the subject​.

If you require any further clarifications, please let us know. In Shaa Allaah, we will provide you with detailed answers to clear all your doubts, at the earliest.

You are requested to study the provided details in depth and may such a study pave way to Muslim Ummah following an Universal Islamic Hijri Calendar; thereby starting all Hijri months on athe same day of the week, throughout the world.

May Almighty Allaah keep all of us in the Right Path. Aameen.​

May Almighty Allaah forgive all our sins, errors & faults and provide all of us with a place in Jannathul Firdouse. Aameen.

Wa Salaam
(Chief Editor)

​PS: Please note down our new e-mail address, through which this mail is being sent. Our other address: editorhijri@gmail.com too is still valid and you can also use the same.​

7/858 B, AWH Building

Latest Versions:





HCI proposal No_03


OLD Version
Download links
Proposal 1 MB -
Link 1    https://archive.org/download/HijriCalendar/HciProposalNo_2.pdf  
Link 2 http://mooncalendar.in/index.php/en/introduction/download/5_ddd70f671c15cc415eaebf7181f3efa0

EBook in English 2MB -
Link 1      https://archive.org/download/HijriCalendar/Universal_Islamic_Moon_Calendar_EBook_Version_1.02_sec.pdf
Link 2  http://mooncalendar.in/index.php/en/introduction/download/6_cfa6274030556a0d17dbeb7d7f0fb283

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