Saturday, April 12, 2014

Start of the Day (24-hour period) in Islam is at Fajre and not at Magrib.

Start of the Day (24-hour period) in Islam is at Fajre and not at Magrib.-Oct 2, 2012

from: Chief Editor, Hijri Committee of India


 Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 8:08 PM


 Start of the Day (24-hour period) in Islam is at Fajre and not at Magrib.

Assalaamu Alaikkum 

We are giving below evidences from Quran and also from authentic hadeeths to prove 
that the 24-hour  period in Islam starts at Fajr and not at Magrib. 

From Noble Quran:

a)  In Verse 2:238, we are asked to guard strictly the As salawaat  (five obligatory prayers),

 especially the  "salawaathul wusta" (mid prayer). 

All the mufasirs  have said that the "salawaathul wusta" it is Asr  prayer. It is reported in Sahih Muslim,

Muwatta Maaliki,  Abu Dawud,  Nasaie, Tirmudhi & Mussanad Ahmad.

 If Asr has to be the mid prayer, the day must start at Fajr and not at Magrib.

b)  In Surrah Yasin (36) verse 40, it is said, "nor does the night  outstrip the day"
which means that Day is the fore runner and  Night  will not outstrip the day

 c)  Surrah Al A'raf (7) Verse 54 says that "HE (ALLAH) brings the night  as a cover

     over the day

 d)  Surrah Ar Ra'd (13) Verse  3 also says the same thing: "HE brings  the night as a

      cover over the day.

        ( In c  & d above, it is  clearly mentioned that it is  day which is the first part and

          the night follows and comes to cover the day.)

 e) In Surah As Shams (91) Verses  1-4 also say that it is the sun or  day which precedes

      the moon or night.

 f) In Surrah Ad Duha it is written that "By the forenoon (after sunrise), By the night

     when it darkens." which also says that it is  the day-time which comes  first and not the night.

We are also giving below the Arabic Text from Ibn Katheer  explaining Surah As Shams

quoting, Ibn Abbas (RA) where Ibn Abbas (RA) clearly  says that " ' Al-`Awfi reported from

Ibn `Abbas (RA) that he said, (By the moon as it Talaha.) "It follows the day.'' Qatadah said,

"`as it Talaha (follows it)' is referring to the night of the Hilal (the new crescent moon).

When the sun goes down, the Hilal is visible.''

قال مجاهد: { وَالشَّمْسِ وَضُحَاهَا } أي: وضوئها. وقال قتادة: { وَضُحَاهَا } النهار كله.

قال ابن جرير: والصواب أن يقال: أقسم الله بالشمس ونهارها؛ لأن ضوء الشمس الظاهر هو النهار (1) .

{ وَالْقَمَرِ إِذَا تَلاهَا } قال مجاهد: تبعها. وقال العوفي، عن ابن عباس: { وَالْقَمَرِ إِذَا تَلاهَا } قال: يتلو النهار. وقال قتادة: { إِذَا تَلاهَا } ليلة الهلال، إذا سقطت الشمس رؤي الهلال.

The above explanation shatters the wrong belief that the Sahaba (RA) started

 the month after seeing the hilaal.  They (RA) knew very well that the day starts

at Fajre and that if they (RA) waited for the hilaal to appear in order to start the month, they will lose the fasting of the first day of Ramdaan and also that they will be forced  to fast on the Eid day. 

  g)  In Surrah Al Haqqah (69) , verses 6 & 7 it is said, " And as for Aad', they were destroyed by  furious violent wind ! Which Allah imposed on them for seven nights and Eight days in succession, ...."

Only if the 24-hour period starts at Fajre you will get 7 nights and 8 days in succession.  If we take Magrib as the start of the 24-hour period, it will be 7 days and 8 nights in succession !!!!

Let us now refer the Hadeeth.

From Hadeeth:

1) Witr:  A day consists of 5 prayers.  We have been ordered to end them  with Witr (Sahih

Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasaie).

Hadeeths also ask us to pray Witr between Isha & Fajr (Sahih Bukhari,

Sahih Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasaie).  This also indicates that

the day's last Farz prayer is Isha & Fajr is the first Farz prayer.

2)  The Prophet (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) used to start Ithi'kaaf from Fajr

    onwards  - Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasaie, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maaja &

Musnad Ahmad.

3) It is also reported in the hadeeths that the Prophet (Sallallaahu

    alaihi wa sallam) used to come out of Ithi'kaaf after Fajr on the Eid     Day (Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Haakim)

4) During Hajj if a pilgrim cannot be at the Arafath, his Hajj is not completed.  
In an authentic hadeeth, the Prophet (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) has asked
a pilgrim to be at Arafath before the Fafre of 10th Zul Hijjah so that he has observed
the essential part of the Pilgrimage of staying  at Arafath on the 9th Zul Hijjah. This
hadeeth categorically prove that the 24-hour period starts in Islam at Fajre and not at Magrib. 

It is the Jewish tradition to start the month after sunset.  You may be surprised to note 
that even the Muslim countries follow the Jews in starting the 24-hour period !!!

May Almighty Allah keep all of us in the Right Path.  AAmeen

Wa Salaam
S. N. Mohamed Sultan

(Chief Editor)


7/858 B, AWH Building



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