Sunday, October 12, 2014

Full Moon/Eclipse on the next day of Eidul Ad'ha !!" (1435H / OCT 2014)

On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 7:30 PM, Chief Editor, Hijri Committee of India <> wrote:
quran bismillah

Dear Brothers & Sisters

Assalaamu Alaikkum wa Rahmathullaahi wa Barakaathu hu

You might be shocked at the title “ Full Moon/Eclipse on the next day of Eidul Ad’ha !!”.    Yes, It is the truth.

Saudi Arabia,   65 countries and Hijri Committee of India celebrated Eidul Ad’ha on Saturday.  Whereas nearly 15 countries had the Eid on Sunday and nearly
 countries had it on Monday.   But, Amini Islands & Kadamat  Islands in Lakhsadeep (India) created a record by celebrating Eidul Ad’ha  on Tuesday !!  On the next day of Eid, 
esday, the Muslims of these Islands witnessed Full Moon !!  The World witnessed Lunar Eclipse too on that Wednesday  !!

It is not that these Islands did not have any telecommunication links with the Main-land.  In fact,  they have many of the modern gadgets including Mobile, Internet etc.

Then how come these Islands celebrated the Eid on Tuesday even when Kerala State had it on Sunday  &  other nearby Islands  had Eid  on Monday ??  Why Muslims of these Islands had it on Tuesday which was actually the last day of Ayaamu Tashreeq ??

The reason for such a mockery at the tenets of Islam was the adamant and arrogant stance taken by the local Qaazis who insisted on seeing the moon by their naked eyes in order to start the month of Zul Hijjah.   The previous months too were not started on the correct days a
 the Qaazis  insisted on seeing the  hilaal, which was impossible due to rainy season !!

They saw the first moon of Zul Hijjah only on Sunday (28 Sep) and accordingly observed the “Fast of Arafaah”  on Monday (6th Oct) and “celebrated” Eid on Tuesday (7 Oct) !!

Haughtiness of these Qaazis  was at its peak when one realises  the
act that the first  moon they saw on Sunday (28 Sep)  was at an altitude of 
 degrees and  illumination was  of about  1
% and it set at
 09:30 pm  !!!

They also had ample time, nearly 10 days to verify the correct date from many sources. They did not find it necessary !! 
They also did  not acknowledge their error nor repented even after seeing the Full Moon on the following day !!!???

This episode is another stark evidence that Imkane Ruyi’ah (starting of new month after seeing the moon with naked eye at west) is not what the Prophet  (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) has  taught us nor Noble Qur’aan teaches us with regard to starting of  the new month. 
 This system will always pave way for multiple calendars which is contrary to the teachings of Noble Qur'aan.  

Noble Qur’aan clearly says that the Ahillah are the dates for Mankind and that the manaazil of moon which determine the Ahillah were decreed by Almi
hty Allaah on the very day of creation.     Please note that the words used by Almighty Allaah  with “Manaazil”  are “Qadarahu, Qadhar naahu” which manifest   the magnitude  of   precise dating system prescribed by Almighty Allaah.

How can any sane man say that the clouds or eye-sight or pollution can modulate or adjust or change  the manaazil which  Allaah has brought under His Qadar ???

People who advocate Imkane Ruyiah must realize the gravity of their imprudent attitude and how unwise it is to hang on to the tail-piece of the hadeeth  “..Soomu li Ruyiathi hi ….” by ignoring the first part !!  How ill-advised it is to give the meaning  as “sight by naked eye” for “Ruyiah” and  “clouds” for “Ghummah “ ignoring the fact that in many similar hadeeths  the words “ Ghabbiyya/ Ghummiyya/ Ghaffiyya”  etc  were used by our beloved Prophet (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) ???  All will agree
these three words cannot be translated as “Clouds”. Is it not?

“Hilaal” too is misinterpreted   as “ the first one seen at Sunset” !! Arabic Dictionary  defines   “Hilaal”    as    “ the one seen on the 2nd, 3rd and on the 7th
too as well as those seen on  last 2 days of a lunar month”.

They must also realize that the word “Ruyiah” also means

It is really surprising how can many  still say that the moon they see at Magrib is the “rising” one !!  Does not the word “Magrib” itself  which is from “Ghuroob”  mean that it is “ setting”??

The advocates of “Imkane Ruyiah” say that they are following “Ikhthilaaful Mattaale” but insist on seeing the hilaal on the western sky which is the setting place !!! Is it not incongruity  ???  Is it not irony ??

All are requested to study, with an open mind,  without any prejudice various Quran verses like 2:189,  10:5,  9:36-37,  6:96,  55:5,  36:39-40,  17:12 etc and understand what Almighty Allah says with regard to the Dating system in Islaam.    One must also realize that no authentic hadeeth goes contrary to the Quran verses.

Islaam prescribes for the whole world one  single calendar which has dates tallying
exactly with moon phases as told in Noble Quraan 2:189.

  We can have  such a Calendar if we consider the Universal Day,  in which  Conjunction takes place,  as the last day of a Hijri  month and the new month to start from Fajr of the following Universal Day irrespective of the time of Conjunction and/or Sunset-Moonset timing at Makkah or else where

Such an error-free  calendar can be calibrated forwards as well as backwards for any number of years, even for  thousands of years.  ALHUMDULILLAH !!


 May Almighty keep all of us in the Right Path.  Aameen

Wa Salaam
(Chief Editor)
7/858 B, AWH Building

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